It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
School Health
Florida Department of Health in Dixie County
- (352) 498 - 1360
Mailing Address
149 NE 241st Street
Cross City, FL 32628
The school nurse is an important partner in ensuring that students are healthy and ready to learn. Each school has a health clinic and a full time school health aide available to provide first aid and administration of medication for your child. The Florida Department of Health in Dixie County (DOH-Dixie) has a team of registered nurses who are assigned to each school in our County.
All students in Dixie County schools, including charter and church schools, are eligible for basic school health services.
- Hearing, vision, and scoliosis screenings
- Height and weight measurements
- First Aid
- Medication administration
- Health education
- Head lice checks
- Review of students medical history
- Registered Nurse available for special health care needs of students
- Teen parent program
- Influenza vaccines with parent permission
- Health counseling and referrals for additional services
- Student immunization compliance
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